May 6, 2024

how to write pin titles on pinterest

Intentionally crafting pin titles on Pinterest is a great way to power up your Pinterest SEO and get more audience clicking on your stuff as a content creator. Whether you knew it or not, knowing how to write pin titles on Pinterest is a vital part of your Pinterest SEO strategy. Learn how to write […]

April 21, 2024

create a pinterest strategy that works

I’m going to give you what most other Pinterest marketing experts won’t… exactly how to create a Pinterest strategy step-by-step. If you’d like to watch the video instead of reading the post you can do so below. There are 5 main components of a complete Pinterest strategy but today we are only going to go […]

January 18, 2024

For years people like you & I have been wondering how to build a Pinterest traffic strategy. Now you may be wondering, Heather why are you wondering how to do this when you run an entire Pinterest agency? Good question and here’s my short answer… the Pinterest algorithm is always changing and my team & […]

December 7, 2023

So, you are bored with pinning, don’t know what to create, and are just looking to get some pins in your cue because you know it is important. Listen, we’ve all been there, including myself. I’m actually there right now. Today we’re going to cover all the things you can do when you don’t feel […]

We love Pinterest, but we’re on the ‘Gram too!

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