October 17, 2023

4 Steps to a Pinterest Workflow

There are two main reasons why people fail when it comes to a Pinterest Marketing Strategy. We are going to talk about one of those reasons in depth today. That reason is the lack of a  Pinterest workflow.  Signs you don’t have a successful Pinterest workflow Most people that come to me, clients or students, […]

July 19, 2023

We often talk about the importance of SEO on this channel, whether in the form of Google SEO for your blog or Pinterest SEO for your Pinterest account. In today’s post, I want to talk to you about the importance of writing really good product descriptions for your Shopify store. Today we’ll be using Tailwind […]

March 10, 2023

Tailwind Ghostwriter will write your pin descriptions for you

Writing pin descriptions can be a painful part of your Pinterest strategy. Tailwind has released Ghostwriter to write those descriptions for you.

April 8, 2020

What is Tailwind? For many people reading this you may not be aware that Tailwind is the automation tool that helps you to stay active on Pinterest all week long. It publishes your content for you so that you are always active and putting your content in front of your audience. If you want to […]

We love Pinterest, but we’re on the ‘Gram too!

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