June 17, 2024

native pinterest scheduler

You can schedule pins free without the need for paying for a scheduling tool until you absolutely need one. Do this with the new native Pinterest scheduler, the only free of all Pinterest approved schedulers. This new scheduler started rolling out in August 2023, here is the direct link to it to check if you […]

June 11, 2024

How to Use Keywords to Optimize Your Pins

Are you looking to run Pinterest ad campaigns, specifically a Pinterest conversion campaign, and wondering how to get started? Are you looking for transparent marketing strategies, optimization best practices, and a tutorial on how to set it up? Well, today’s post will walk you through all that. Before you create a Pinterest conversion campaign We’re […]

May 6, 2024

how to write pin titles on pinterest

Intentionally crafting pin titles on Pinterest is a great way to power up your Pinterest SEO and get more audience clicking on your stuff as a content creator. Whether you knew it or not, knowing how to write pin titles on Pinterest is a vital part of your Pinterest SEO strategy. Learn how to write […]

April 30, 2024

Are you an e-commerce shop owner looking to get more sales from your Pinterest traffic in 2022? Are you an e-commerce shop owner looking at Pinterest for the first time? If that’s you, then this post is for you. I will walk you through some of the tactics that we see work the best for our clients when implementing a Pinterest strategy

We love Pinterest, but we’re on the ‘Gram too!

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